One year on: thank you!

I’ve just realised that today is the first anniversary of when I first began blogging.  Yes, I set up my blog several months before that, but I did only manage to write the one post.  Clearly I wasn’t ready for it at that point, but the moment arrived on 30 December 2014 and I haven’t looked back.

I’ve said before how much I get out of blogging, and it remains true.  I find the act of writing helps me realise what I think, what I want to say, and to be more critical of myself.  The act of taking photographs for the blog changes the way I look at things.  The fact of knowing that other people are reading what I write makes me more thoughtful of how I express myself and what I say.

And that’s before I add in all the things I have learnt how to do in order to be able to blog.  Like, how to use WordPress.  How to use my phone camera.  How to upload photos.  Plus realising that I do have some things to say, and that there are a more than a few people out there interested to hear them and to join in the conversation.

At first I thought I didn’t mind whether or not anyone reads the blog, that I was writing primarily for myself.  And to some extent that is and remains true.  But only to a point (to use one of my much-missed mother-in-law’s stock phrases).  Because if I’m honest it does now matter to me that others read my blog, it matters very much, and I certainly appreciate every single comment anyone has ever made.

I can hardly believe that more than 100 people now follow my blog, and I know that others also read it from time to time.  I can see from the site stats that there are readers all around the world (regulars in Canada, USA, Australia, Denmark, India, Ireland, as well as the UK), and I can hardly get my head around that.  Yet of course, I in turn read blogs written by people who live in Canada, the US, Norway and Australia as well as around the UK, and that’s one of the things that inspired me to start my own blog.

Anyway, today I am taking this opportunity to do what my parents always taught us to do, and that is to write a proper ‘thank you‘ letter.  This is to and for you, dear reader.

Thank you again for sticking with me, for encouraging me, for inspiring me, for just being such a lovely kind and generous bunch of people.

To those of you who already blog, thank you for your posts.  I enjoy reading them, even though I may not follow your blog I do drop by from time to time.

To those of you who don’t write but kind of think you might like to, I would really encourage you to give it a go.  You never know, you might really enjoy doing it.

I’ve had quite a year!

Wild colour! 2014-12-25 21.20.00

IMG_44172015-01-07 12.25.372015-01-03 12.05.582015-03-01 19.20.302015-03-09 14.00.352015-03-15 12.11.242015-03-23 10.50.002015-03-23 09.25.59Women-Votes2015-03-26 16.27.35 HDR2015-03-29 16.52.372015-04-07 09.07.28Black Forest garden, GermanyLREDit-10108902015-05-11 15.57.312015-05-15 15.08.532015-05-21 15.37.102015-05-21 17.00.222015-05-11 16.40.542015-06-05 10.07.372015-04-18 09.22.162015-06-08 10.12.192015-06-24 18.22.212014-07-02 16.47.282015-07-15 13.20.412015-07-20 11.42.402015-08-07 16.37.142015-07-13 18.56.352014-07-23 12.53.072015-10-03 11.43.41LREdit--53672015-12-19 15.54.29

And here’s to 2016, whatever it may bring.


About deborah @ the magic jug

Now I've passed 60 I'm still doing all sorts of things I haven't done before, as well as carrying on with the things I already love. I live a happy life with my long term love Malcolm. In my blog I explore local and low tech ideas, food, growing, making, reading, thinking, walking, and lots of other words ending in 'ing'.
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25 Responses to One year on: thank you!

  1. Happy New Year to you too. And keep blogging!


  2. Karen Lucas says:

    Good job and keep doing it!


  3. Marian says:

    Congratulations on one year of blogging, Deborah! I’ve so enjoyed getting to know you through your words and photos, and am happily looking forward to being able to take part in some great conversations in 2016 🙂 . Happy New Year, Deborah!


  4. Congratulations on a great year of blogging 😊


  5. Laura says:

    Congratulations on one year and I hope next year brings many good things to you!


  6. Gillian Roe says:

    I’m glad you enjoy blogging so much. It’s true – the community, conversation and friendship that exists in this online community is lovely to behold. I wish you another happy year blogging! x


  7. Rita says:

    Happy blogiversary! I’ve learned so many skills from blogging, and you never know when they’ll come in handy. (Mine did at work this year.) And I’ve connected with wonderful people all over the world I’d never have “known” otherwise. I used to have a bigger blog, but I now have a small one with a small band of loyal readers/friends who correspond with me there. I much prefer the small blog–but that’s just me. 🙂 Hope you have a second year as fulfilling as your first.


  8. What a lovely thoughtful post, encapsulating why many of us blog: not to attract loads of followers but to write something we feel passionate about, is true to us and – might just be – of interest to other like-minded readers. I’m so glad I came across your blog this year and always look forward to reading your posts. Happy New Year and her’s to more blogging in 2016! x


  9. Sam says:

    I’m delighted I found your blog as I think we are like-minded in many of our approaches to life. Here’s to many more years of writing and sharing via blogland. Happy new year Deborah. x


  10. Laura says:

    Happy 2016!


  11. Nella Logan says:

    Hello Deborah. I’m a recent “recruit” to your blog (I was directed via Jane Brocket). I just wanted to thank you for the window into your life. I’m really enjoying reading your posts and have been inspired by your beautiful crochet and gardening projects. Congratulations on your first anniversary. I wish you another productive year!


  12. simoneharch says:

    Happy new year Deborah. I hope 2016 is an inspirational year for you on many levels. Simone. X


  13. homeslip says:

    It is wonderful isn’t it finding out that there are so many people out there who share our passions for exploring and making and cooking and growing and eating and reading and just being and doing. Who knew there could be so much sharing via the Internet, it beats keeping a diary that’s for sure. I am very happy to have found your blog too.


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