Reuse, repurpose, upcycle: call it what you will, just do it

So much of this going on around here right now.  Both of us have spurts of STO*ing, and the pile of stuff moving onwards and outwards continues to grow.   We now have a basket by the front door for things destined for a charity shop.  It’s a good reminder to pick up a few things to take with us when we’re going to the shops.

The bag and basket will stay. Everything else to go.

Things have been offered and given on Freegle.  Some things have been sold.  Others have been given to family members.

Off to a new life with youngest son and family: basket I bought in Oxfam shop many years ago and used to bring in food from allotment; bottle given to us with home-made sloe gin, now returned with more sloe gin (we drank theirs, they’ll drink ours); book for a little girl who is just a tiny bit obsessed by rabbits (kept from when our sons were little); hat brought home by accident.

Lots of things have been repurposed around the house, and far more have been repurposed on the allotment.  Sometimes all you need is to look around you and think “what if?”.  In particular, when you know what you want to achieve, you will be more likely to spot opportunities when they present themselves.

Now a gate to my allotment. In former lives, a bedhead I found on the street paired with part of a bed frame given to me (thanks to Malcolm for spotting that they fit perfectly together.  Just needed a few small cable ties.

Previously a rubbish bin. Converted by me to be a worm bin. (standing next to the green compost bin given to me on Freegle)

Blue water pipe originally used to construct a hen run (many, many years ago). More recently I’ve used it to support netting over crops – but it was too short. Now it’s grown taller, thanks to the addition of some metal piping I found left on the street last week. Foraging isn’t just for plants and edibles.

This fence panel now provides useful shelter for the hens’ water, and as they go in and out of their house.

*STOing – Sorting Things Out.  You may call it editing; getting things done; tidying up; or something else entirely.  This is what we call it.

About deborah @ the magic jug

Now I've passed 60 I'm still doing all sorts of things I haven't done before, as well as carrying on with the things I already love. I live a happy life with my long term love Malcolm. In my blog I explore local and low tech ideas, food, growing, making, reading, thinking, walking, and lots of other words ending in 'ing'.
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6 Responses to Reuse, repurpose, upcycle: call it what you will, just do it

  1. Marian says:

    Hi Deborah,
    I’ve been meaning to comment and time keeps getting away from me. I love your new allotment gate! (I’ve got our old crib spring hanging in our mudroom and use it to hang my calendar and other important things; I love that it’s both useful and artsy/industrial.)

    How are you enjoying that book you mentioned (From What Is To What If) a post or two ago? I’m looking for Christmas gift ideas and that book—if it’s hopeful—might be perfect for my daughter.

    And—I love the blankets you’re knitting to raise money for the farm. I’ve been on socks, socks, socks for the past year or two, but I would love to one day gather all the bits and pieces and do a blanket 🙂 .


    • Hi Marian, as always, lovely to hear from you! I came across your most recent post a day or two ago, and will come back to comment. It was a great post, and a brave one to write. So many issues that affect many of us.
      I suspect that the book would be really good for your daughter (and then you can borrow it haha!). I confess I haven’t yet read more as I’ve been sidetracked onto something else, but I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far, it’s uplifting and hopeful / hope-giving, and so far what I’ve read focuses on things that already are being done somewhere – if there, why not here?!? What if??? so yes, my answer would be def to go for it.
      I love your repurposing of your crib spring – creative and useful. Great combo.


  2. You are a genius – I have blue water pipes for keeping up netting over crops and have been known to curse because the lengths are too short… for some reason it never dawned on me that I could extend them with some metal tubing (which I already have).
    I’m with you on the “basket by the door” approach to sorting stuff out. Currently I have a box in the kitchen, into which I’m putting all sorts of bits and bobs destined for the charity shop. It’s nearly full so will be on its way soon. I feel I’m making slow progress, but at least there’s some progress.


    • Ha! well me neither. That was Malcolm’s suggestion (obvious really, but clearly not to me. Or to you).
      I’ve taken on board some of your water-saving suggestions (which I’ll write up Dec or Jan), so I’m glad to have been able to send the traffic the other way.

      Liked by 1 person

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