The upside of flu

I’m struggling to find many upsides to feeling rubbish, but I’ve managed to come up with these:

  • I don’t have anyone else I have to look after, so can sink thankfully into my bed when I need to (two whole days and bits of others so far) – such a contrast to having flu when the boys were little and Malcolm was away working, and I really do appreciate the difference
  • After the worst was over, I have managed to do a little light crocheting (some more squares for my blanket) – I’m so glad I managed to teach myself how to do the squares before the bug hit
2015-10-18 13.02.15

Actual colours of the first squares I’ve made

2015-10-18 13.01.47

Colour matching on the window sill

  • I live in a comfortable, warm house, with plenty of food and nice teas in, so I lack nothing
  • I have managed to postpone the pieces of (paid) work I would have been doing next week
  • There are far far worse things to have than a bout of flu, and I can be confident that I’ll be fully better in just a few days
  • best thing of all – the BBC – radio and podcasts have been my salvation during these past few days.
    • Specifically, catching up with a fascinating season of programmes on R4, R3, and R4 Extra about the American playwright Arthur Miller.  I’ve seen two of his plays in the past (The Price, and The Crucible), but knew little about the rest of his works and little of his life.  What a privilege to be able to listen to these programmes – a dramatised biography (in four pieces); a series of essays by eminent directors, producers, writers, actors; and still to come at least one of his plays.  A real treat, and the kind of thing the BBC does so very well.  If you’re interested, the essays are still available to download for a about another 3 weeks.  Some of the other items will be downloadable for longer.  Lined up for tomorrow: Death of a Salesman, with Zoe Wanamaker and David Suchet – definitely something to look forward to.
    • A podcast of a programme by Helen Kennedy on Magna Carta for today.  At the end of a week when I’ve done quite a lot of (paid) work in connection with the government’s Prevent programme as it applies to schools, and have reflected long and hard on what this means for freedom of speech, democracy, and education, it felt very pertinent (though possibly more than my poor brain could quite cope with – may have to listen to it again without the cotton-wool head)

In the meantime, I’m taking my late mother-in-law’s advice and ‘dosing myself up’ with painkillers and copious herb teas, and watching out of the window as autumn rather beautifully makes itself felt.  And sleeping a lot.

I hope you’re feeling well, and that if not, you’re able to take good care of yourself.

2015-10-18 13.00.47

Window view with autumn coming

About deborah @ the magic jug

Now I've passed 60 I'm still doing all sorts of things I haven't done before, as well as carrying on with the things I already love. I live a happy life with my long term love Malcolm. In my blog I explore local and low tech ideas, food, growing, making, reading, thinking, walking, and lots of other words ending in 'ing'.
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7 Responses to The upside of flu

  1. Marian says:

    Such a beautiful view you have out your window, Deborah 🙂 . I have to say that despite feeling like rubbish, you wrote such a lovely post … because yes! to being able to look on the upside of things, to feeling grateful in the knowledge that illnesses could be worse, that one has pursuits such as crocheting to occupy the downtimes, and for the fantastic programming that comes with public radio (I’ve not got any BBC experience, but am very grateful for our CBC). I do hope you’re feeling better soon!


    • Thanks Marion. Yes, it’s a gorgeous view isn’t it, and one that always give me pleasure. We’re fortunate to have so many mature trees around, and some allotments and green space beyond the gardens of neighbouring houses.
      You might want to check out whether you can listen to BBC Radio over the internet from where you are – I’m pretty sure you can, and there are lots of programmes I think you’d really enjoy. Especially the factual (documentaries, themed programmes) and drama. And maybe Womans Hour. I don’t seem to be able to put a link in here but if you do an internet search for BBC Radio I think you’ll find it ok.
      I feel like I’m on the mend, so hoping it keeps up. Fortunately there’s nothing to stop me just taking it easy, and I know what a privilege that is!


  2. Glenda Smith says:

    Oh I feel your pain. I am just starting to feel better. I had my flu shot as I do every year but somehow I still managed to get it. It took 4 weeks and 1 day to start feeling better. I am so glad you can see the positivity in it. Get well soon.


    • Thank you, and I’m sorry to hear how bad yours has been. Mine has been intense but (I hope!) shorter lived. I’ve had flu much worse several times in the past, when it has morphed into a chest infection afterwards and dragged on for weeks, so I tend to respond quickly and just step back from stuff.
      Glad to hear you’re beginning to get over it anyway.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sam says:

    Oh poor you Deborah! Sorry you’re poorly but I’m pleased that you’re looking on the bright side. It is important to take care of yourself and rest up. What a lovely view you have to gaze at. Here’s hoping you feel much better very soon. I’ve loved listening to the Arthur Miller programmes on R4. Fascinating. Sam x
    PS Thank you so much for your comment about crocheting. I’ll look out for that book and get myself kitted out. Perhaps I might have some spare time over the next school holiday…


    • Thanks Sam, am already feeling so much better. I always find that it’s really only when I start to recover from something that I realise just how ghastly I was feeling, at the time I tend to feel I’m making a fuss about very little.
      I’ve saved up Death of a Salesman for one afternoon when I feel like sitting crocheting – it needs too much attention for a sleepy afternoon! Aren’t we lucky to have the wonderful BBC radio though.
      Hope you find time to have fun with the crochet – it’s like learning to ride a bike: once you can do it, you wonder what all the fuss was about, but until then it feels insurmountable. Not long now till the next school holiday….


  4. Lucille says:

    The horrid thing about being ill, apart from the symptoms is that I lose sight of the possibility of ever feeling better. You are sounding admirably positive. I hope you are well on the way to complete recovery.


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