Off the hook

Oh I am so pleased with this, and I can’t deny I’m very proud of myself.

In the past year I have gone from being just-about-able-to-crochet to being able to successfully follow a pattern and make something I completely love.

I have just finished my fourth crochet blanket, and the first I have made for myself.

The first three were iterations of the same ripple blanket.  This is my first pieced blanket.  It has proved to be a perfect project for travelling with.  My method of doing all the squares in the same colours at once enabled me to take the crochet away with me for much longer than when I did the ripple blankets, which are all done in one piece and therefore get larger and heavier all the time.

2016-02-05 10.02.37

2016-04-05 10.00.36

I followed Lucy’s pattern completely.  I have enormous respect for her ability to combine colours and to write a pattern – these require both artistry and precise instructions, and she has mastered both.  Through her I have learnt a lot about what colour combinations I like and that sometimes colours I don’t like alone look quite different when combined with others.  I think I now have the confidence to have a go at putting together my own combinations and designing a blanket that will be all my own creation and inspiration.

Returning home from a long walk with a badly swollen leg and foot requiring a couple of days sitting with my leg up (nothing serious, and now on the mend) – well, that was the perfect moment to sit and sew in all those ends.

2016-04-16 10.44.29

2016-04-17 12.21.59

And now I have the blanket to snuggle with, as the evenings unexpectedly grow colder again.

2016-04-17 12.21.37

And I’ve started to think about what will be next on the hook.

About deborah @ the magic jug

Now I've passed 60 I'm still doing all sorts of things I haven't done before, as well as carrying on with the things I already love. I live a happy life with my long term love Malcolm. In my blog I explore local and low tech ideas, food, growing, making, reading, thinking, walking, and lots of other words ending in 'ing'.
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18 Responses to Off the hook

  1. Nella Logan says:

    Congratulations Deborah! I’m about a third of the way through making my Harmony Blanket. I discovered Lucy through your blog. Her wonderfully clear explanations and photos have enabled me to learn to crochet.properly. So thank you for the introduction and well done on completely a fourth blanket. Are you tempted by the new Cupcake one?


    • Oh that’s great Nella. I’m delighted to hear that you found Attic24 through my blog. I hope you’re enjoying making your blanket. I was worried I might ‘go off’ the colours, but I’m still loving them. Not so sure about the Cupcake colours though, and I’m thinking about doing another blanket based on Harmony but with my own colour choices (there were a couple in there I wouldn’t have picked and am still not certain about).


  2. Sam says:

    Well done Deborah– it looks great. What an achievement. I’m still very much at the beginner’s stage but, thanks to your encouragement and inspiration, I will stick at it. One day I’ll make a blanket…


  3. Marian says:

    When I read your previous post and saw the blanket underneath the micro-adventures book I wondered if you had indeed managed to finish it … and now I see that YES, you have! That’s wonderful, Deborah! It’s gorgeous, and besides that, it’s always such a wonderful feeling to wrap up a large, months-long project, isn’t it? 🙂 .

    And I meant to comment on your last post, but unfortunately time got away from me and I didn’t, so I’ll do it here — I hope you have a wonderful time visiting Quebec and New York, Deborah! Safe travels!


  4. lucyannluna says:

    Looks fantastic, love the colours


  5. Rita says:

    Those colors look wonderful together! It seems effortless–as if you just plucked random yarns out of a scrap bag and threw them together. I’ve learned that what looks effortless usually requires the greatest skill.


  6. lynnekovan says:

    Wow, that’s lovely! Just found your blog via Jane Brockett, what a lovely site.


  7. Wow that looks wonderful! Love all the colours. Clever you!


  8. That is gorgeous! I don’t crochet but I occasionally think I’d like to make a blanket of knitted squares.


    • Thank you so much! What I will say is that crochet is a whole lot faster than knitting.
      BTW, sounded like you had a great time on your recent trip over here. So sorry I didn’t manage to get in touch, but in truth I realised that meeting up wasn’t going to be feasible with my walking schedule (and probably similarly for you, fitting in with family and so on). Maybe next time….


      • Hi Deborah, I also realized it would be hard to get together because we had planned two day trips away from London which were not pre-booked, and were weather-dependent, so we had to keep our days open and be prepared to head out early any morning it was nice. I also saw I didn’t have a way to contact you other than comments here. I have my email address in my “About” page if you’d ever like to send a message! We travel to the UK every year.


      • Hi, so sorry for delay in responding. Seem to have been busily caught up in there stuff and lost the plot with my online connections for a while there.
        Yes, I’ll hope to meet up with you another time. And with our erratic weather it makes a lot of sense to plan on the day rather than ages ahead wherever possible.


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